jueves, 22 de diciembre de 2011

My Cute Baby

In October I had a new baby. Facundo is my third child, Cecilia and Santiago complete the pack.
I guess anybody with at least one kid in these times had collected thousands of pictures of their baby. It's normal; what isn't normal, it's to have a summary of the first year of their lifes in pictures.Having this summary allows you to do at least two things:
  • Explore the collection of photos looking for representative ones for each moment. (First day, second day, first month, etc)
  • Don't bore your friends showing them thousand of pictures, instead just spend two minutes showing a small book in your phone or tablet.
Another thing that commonly arises when we have more than one child is comparing them at the same stage of their lives. How did Santiago look when he was one month old? Did he look the same as Facundo does now?

These are questions that only photos and one special application (like My Cute Baby ;) can help you to respond.

The birth of Facundo comes with the birth of a new generator for Smart Devices, because of that I decided to make an application for Smart Devices (iPhone, iPad, Android, Blackberry) that implements these personal needs.

Smart Devices Generator RC is almost here for creating these kind of applications easily; personal and productivity applications can be created with GeneXus in record time.

The generator is here, it is powerful and easy to use, at the same time it is extensible, so let's go and start creating a personal application even if your friends tell you the application has no sense. Good ideas have a lonely childhood.

Some screenshots of my application
Yes, you can create Flipboard like interfaces with the MagazineViewer user control of GeneXus!

Yes, you can have nested grids (one with a ViewPager for the moments and a nested grid with your kids for each moment)

You can change, fonts, colors, backgrounds, paddings, borders, margins, images, etc using a declarative theme for your application. So, no excuses for a bad design.

My Cute Baby soon in the store of your choice ;) Thanks to GeneXus!

Update: It's in appstore http://itunes.apple.com/app/my-cute-baby/id491111984?mt=8

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