lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

I was in Google Lab BA

If you were in Gooogle Lab Buenos Aires you can enter your info here

And after download a native Android application and you will have access to all the twitter of the atendees.

viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010

Android Developer Lab

Today at Artech we released the first bits for developing Smart Devices applications with Genexus, one of our main targets platforms is Android.

With this beta we can start creating some basic applications, because the Android Developer Lab haven't an official application for Android I created one in just 30 minutes using GeneXus.

It's quite easy, I create 2 entities (Session, Presenter) and apply the Work With pattern over them, after I created a basic dashboard for the application.

You can see who are the presenters and the times for the sessions. It was easy and fun.

If you want to install the application here you have the link and the QR Code just in case.


Smart Devices Generator for Android, BlackBerry, iOS

The Smart Devices revolution is a fact. The big players want to have a good position in this new world.

Apple, Google, RIM and the emerging WP7 seems to be the players. (Nokia is trying to maintain their site of the feature phone era but it’s quite complicated)

Every player needs two key components for success:

  • Awesome Devices
  • Awesome Applications

Creating awesome applications is our task, the developer task.

Creating an awesome application for reading a RSS on iOS, Android or Blackberry could be automatized with a Wizard, but creating the smart device complement of your Business Application is another challenge.

I think this challenge it’s impossible to achieve at a reasonable cost with traditional mechanisms of software development.

Create a business application today means at least:

  • Create the data and business layer
  • Expose the BL using some universal technology like HTML-CSS-Javascript
  • (Universality means multiple browser, multiple device)
  • Expose some use cases for several enterprise roles using native applications

Just the architecture to create this is a challenge, after you created the Web Application for example using PHP, you need to create a full Web API to be consumed by native clients, you need standard authentication mechanism, you need a security model, and you need to create several native clients taking into account the rules and styles for each device.

In Artech we have been working in a new generator for this new world. The aim of this generator is to allow create Business Applications and their Smart Device complement at low costs.

We strongly believe that the Ideas are platform independent, so we follow a Model Driven approach to create Smart Devices applications.

What kind of applications? Productivity applications.

Productivity applications have many challenges that we are going to focus on during the process of building the generator.

Today we are releasing the first bits of our GeneXus X Evolution 2 wich include this new generator.

I hope you can start enjoying creating applications with the Smart Devices Generator and spread your ideas in this new revolution.

miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010

Why I still buy paper books.

I think the Amazon kindle e-books metaphor still lacks many important aspects of real world books.

My point is: It’s in our nature LEND and SHARE books. So Amazon should let us do these things.

In general we LEND personal books like novels, adventures, etc. How many times we lend this kind of books? I think, no more than 5 times.

Then we bought books for the company, by definition we are going to SHARE this book, they are technical books in order to fill our library, I think Amazon hasn’t the concept of enterprise library.

So, when I have to buy a technical book, I have no choice, I have to buy the printed book so that everybody in the company can read the book.

I hope Amazon in some moment allows us:

- Loan a kindle book

- Share a kindle book using a virtual enterprise library or any other mechanism.

When I LEND a book, the book should be removed from my personal kindle.

When I have the book in a library for SHARING everybody with library access can read the book.

The digital world has advantages that we can use or not, in the meantime we still have to buy paper books.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

5 things Google should do to improve Nexus One

A month ago I left my IPhone and I started using the Nexus One phone.

As developer, I’m very happy with my Nexus One, but I consider the IPhone is yet far away from a final user perspective.

You can tell me that the next list items are small details, but people in the software arena know “devil is in the details”

Here my 5 “details”

  • When the clock alarm rings, the clock application can never lose focus!

In the Nexus One sometimes the alarm dialog disappears, when alarm is ringing for example if you by mistake (remember you probably were sleeping) , press the home button, or the back button the dialog disappears! You have to do 3 gestures in order to find and turn off the alarm.

I'm imagining my mother with her new Nexus one calling me because she didn't realize how to turn off the alarm! (at 7 am ;)

  • Instant messages.

When a SMS arrives it should be showed directly with a pop up or bubble box! , In IPhone read the last message it is "zero touch away” it is in your screen, in Nexus It is 3 touch away

  • The unlock way.

I cannot unlock the Nexus using just my free thumb finger, I feel uncomfortable using many fingers (index and after thumb) in my hand to unlock the Nexus. I don't know if Apple study the way people catch things, I just realize on this when I move from IPhone to Nexus.

  • I have to scroll down in the Calendar application

It's is very important in mobile devices to respect some basic metaphors of real world things.

Scrolling in mobile devices should be avoided when possible. A calendar is quite similar to a book in real life, so make it similar in smart devices too.

  • Communicate Effectively

The Nexus communication with the final user should be improved.

I talk about this in a previous post

I’m not an IPhone fan, but at this moment I preferring and IPhone over a Nexus One.

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

Do not install MyWi on IPad

MyWi is an IPhone application in order to create a WiFi spot using your IPhone. It works like a charm in IPhone but...

If you are thinking in using it for IPad, my advice: Do not use it!!

I did it, and my brand new IPad became a really big IPhone! , it changed my virtual keyboard to a small keyboard (like the IPhone one).

It was funny to see a big IPhone but actually

touch screen became unresponsive, so I restored again to the original OS. You always can restore to the original software using the ITunes Restore option.

Communicate Effectively

This month I switched from my IPhone to a NexusOne .

My idea is not to criticize one or the other, the idea is try to find the best of two worlds, and try to find what are the best practices for Smart Devices Application developing.

So in this post I'll focus in effective communication with the end user.

During the jurney to google IO I set my NexusOne to airplane mode for first time.

During the flight I entered to the official Twitter application for Android in the NexusOne, obviously I had no connection to my 3G.
When I tried to refresh my Twitter timeline the device showed me a ballon that said:

"Can not retrieve Tweets at this time. Please try again later..."

Very good! That is a good message, the problem was the end of the message

"Can not retrieve Tweets at this time. Please try again later [0/]"

This kind of things is design for developers instead of design for users.

So, the first advice we all should remember:

Final users known nothing about our programming languages!

So communicate effectively, and be aware that the final user is not always a developer.

Smart Devices: "It is not a revolt, it is a revolution"

There is a phrase that says: "Each generation is experiencing a revolution in his lifetime"

In terms of technology this phrase seems to be totally wrong.

Clearly there are generations who have been living during:

  • The PC revolution
  • The Internet revolution

And now they are living two new revolutions, the social networking revolution and the Smart Devices revolution.

Living in a tchnological revolution is not easy, very often we didn't realize we were living a revolution, or if we realize we don't have enough agility to navigate the new wave that revolution bring.

We must accept, "It is not a revolt, it is a revolution!!"

In the world of business applications each revolution changes the way we think our applications, each revolution became a challenge but at the same time an opportunity to make our applications in a different way.

Smart Devices (Phones, Tablet, TVs, etc) are changing the way we are living, so they will change the way we create applications.

This will be a technical blog about Smart Devices, at first with focus in IPhone and Android, but for sure there will be new kids on the block like Windows Phone.